Trouble on The Naval Weapons Station’s CAC?
The East Bay Times is reporting that a former City Council Member and chairman of the Community Advisory Committee (CAC) resigned from the committee this week.
Former councilman Dan Helix abruptly resigned last week from the committee advising the city on plans for the first phase of development of the Concord Naval Weapons Station.
According to the article, Mr. Helix is concerned that the members of the CAC was not properly educated and informed by the staff as to the process and the zoning uses.
“I hope out of this that someone will say we need to slow down, we need to schedule more small group study sessions, we need to make sure everyone is understanding, then we can
forge ahead,” Helix said.
Local politics are never without their excitement.
It looks like the developer is still trying to push a road through Dana Estates at Beechwood Dr. (see page 58 of the plan as indicated by a black arrow). The designation says “Pedestrian & Other Possible Connections” (emphasis added). The Concord Reuse Project Website has agendas and other items available online.
Dana Estates Residents should reach out to the Concord City Council with your thoughts on the CNWS project.
City Council
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