Can you believe Summer is here already? Maybe you can, because it seems to come every year.
Just as the seasons run their courses, the housing market runs its own. Below you will find a Dana Estates market summary for the month of May.
Currently Active Homes in Dana Estates |
Number of Houses Active | Average List Price | Average Days On Market |
2 | $ 512,475 | 25 |
There are still not very many homes on the market. A few more have come on in June, but there are still many options out there.
Pending Properties in Dana Estates |
Number of Houses Pending | Average List Price | Average Days On Market |
7 | $ 535,978 | 34.1 |
The number of pending and sold homes indicates that homes that are priced right are selling. In fact we probably could have double the number of active homes to meet market demand.
Sold Properties in Dana Estates – May 2016 |
Number of Houses Sold |
Avg. List Price |
Avg. Sale Price | Avg. Sale Price/ Avg. List Price | Average Days On Market |
5 | $ 501,400 | $ 517,500 | 103.21% |
13 |
Much to the delight of sellers, properties are selling (on average) over their list prices after a short 13 days on the market.
The chart below shows the number of houses sold each month since June of 2015. As you can see, October was the hottest month, followed by June, December, and March in terms of house sales.
If you would like to see your home listed in the “Sold” category, please give me a call at 925.385.8798.
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